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Studio:   (Upstairs)    173 Beaudesert Road, Moorooka.   

Located in the centre of the busy Moorooka Shopping Strip (western side) 

Postal:  PO Box 208, Holland Park. Qld. 4121

Email.gif (1346 bytes)    Phone Studio: 041 2222 712      

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Time for Prints Days (TFP)         other events

This is a great way to spend a fun day within a small shared group of other amateur photograhers and models. You will get a chance to practise your photography, explore your own particular projects, and meet new people and get some great practical advice, all for a minimal cost. Models will pose in several changes of outfits on two different sets.


Attending photographers pay a fee of $50. This fee covers the cost of the studio, lighting and some light refreshments. There is no modelling fee paid on these days. However, the photographer will be required to provide the model with either photographs or digital files that she can use freely for her own promotion - either in her portfolio or on her own web page. Failure to provide the model with these photographs will restrict the photographer using the studio facilities in the future. Photographers must indicate they wish to attend on the day. Just don't show up or there may not be space for you. Particular models cannot be booked for these Time for Prints sessions. We will  supply more than one model for you to work with.

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Digital files are to be loaded onto the studio's courtesy computer on the day so a CD can be burnt for the model, while prints from film cameras are to be delivered to the studio within 7 days. The models and photographers will be required to sign a limited model release allowing both parties to use the images for their own promotion only - commercial use of the pix will not be allowed without further negotiation between the photographer, model and studio.

These TFP days are for non-nude glamour shoots only. Studio staff will be on hand to assist when required, but formal training will not be available. At all times the model will have control over the shoot. The model or ClubModpics staff member can terminate the session at anytime should they feel a photographer is not acting within the guidelines, without refund to the photographer.

Remember - if you want to come along - Call first!              other events